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Archive by tag: Vespa velutinaReturn

Incremento delle segnalazioni nel mese di maggio: il comune Calabrone europeo (Vespa crabro) è la specie maggiormente segnalata

  • 5/19/2020 11:48:00 PM
  • View Count 2892
Durante le prime settimane del mese di maggio abbiamo constatato un significativo aumento nel numero di segnalazioni da parte dei cittadini, con una media di circa 20 al giorno. La specie maggiormente segnalata è risultata essere il Calabrone europeo Vespa crabro (74%), specie diffusa in modo naturale nell’intera penisola italiana.
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“Vespa velutina and other invasive invertebrates species: 3 days of meetings and exchange on the Asian hornet.

“Vespa velutina and other invasive invertebrates species: 3 days of meetings and exchange on the Asian hornet.

The event “Vespa velutina and other invasive invertebrates species”, organized by the COLOSS Velutina Task Force and by the LIFE STOPVESPA project, has been held in Turin from the 21st to the 23rd of March. The event allowed to share the knowledge about the presence of Vespa velutina in Europe and to present the results obtained by the LIFE STOPVESPA Project during four years of activity in Italy.
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Save the date: “Vespa velutina and other invasive invertebrates species”, three days of conferences and meetings dedicated to the Asian hornet

Save the date: “Vespa velutina and other invasive invertebrates species”, three days of conferences and meetings dedicated to the Asian hornet

“Vespa velutina and other invasive invertebrates species” is the event organized by the LIFE STOPVESPA Project and the Velutina Task Force of COLOSS that will be held in Turin (Italy) the 21, 22 and 23 of March 2019. The 21st of March the programme foresee the COLOSS Velutina Task Force Meeting reserved to members of the COLOSS Association.
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Dissemination activity in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Dissemination activity in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Sunday, 27th January 2019, the LIFE STOPVESPA Project participated to the “10th Meeting on Beekeeping” in Friuli Venezia Giulia in the Conference Room of Udine-Gorizia Fiere (link). The event, promoted by the Consorzio Apicoltori della Provincia di Udine (Beekeepers Association of the Udine Province), provided a valuable opportunity for regional beekeepers to meet and exchange.
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17th October 2018: Workshop on the use of the harmonic radar for the detection of Asian hornet’s nests

17th October 2018: Workshop on the use of the harmonic radar for the detection of Asian hornet’s nests

Few days after the detection of the nests in Finale Ligure and La Spezia (Liguria, Italy), the LIFE STOPVESPA Project organized a workshop in the locality of Calvo, Ventimiglia (IM). This event allowed to demonstrate to beekeepers and stakeholders, and particularly to those which could not be present during the previous activities, the use of the harmonic radar for tracking the flight of Asian hornets and detect the positions of their nests.
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Vespa velutina has landed at Geo&Geo

Vespa velutina has landed at Geo&Geo

The Geo&Geo edition of last Monday (1st October 2018) provided the occasion to bring the Asian hornet to the attention of a large audience. During the TV-programme Prof. Marco Porporato, leader of the European project LIFE STOPVESPA, briefly described the main morphologic characteristics of this species, the colonized areas, the spread modalities and the level of aggressivity.
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