EU Regulation on invasive alien species
With the Implementing Regulation (EU) 1141/2016, Vespa velutina has been introduced in the “black list” of invasive alien species of union concern in accordance with the European Regulation EU 1143/2014. For the species included in this list, EU Members states must prevent their introductions, implement early warning and rapid response systems, eradicate or control their spread or manage those species which are already widespread in their territory”.
The EU Regulation 1143/2014 is a result of a legislative process started with the Rio Convention (1992). Hereafter we report the main steps at national and international level.
International legislative framework
- The Rio Convention (1992), implemented by the European Community (Counsel Decision 93/626/CEE), prohibits the introduction of invasive alien species or require their control or eradication, if they are threatening ecosystems, habitats or species.
- The Regulation (EU) 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the council of 22nd October 2014 provides dispositions in order to prevent and manage the introduction and spread of invasive alien species. The Regulation explain that “alien species” are “any viable specimen or species, subspecies or lower taxon of animals or plants, fungi or microorganisms introduced outside its natural area” and “invasive alien species” are “an alien species whose introduction or spread has been found to threaten or adversely impact upon biodiversity and related ecosystem services” (art.3, p. 1 and 2). This Regulation introduces several innovative aspects such as the prevention of new introductions, the identification and control of vectors and pathways of introduction, the eradication, control and/or management of invasive alien species.
National legislative framework
The 14 February 2018 entered into force the Italian law 230/2017 of the 15th December 2017, which adapt the national laws in conformity to the dispositions of the European Regulation (EU) 1143/2014. This law identify the Ministry of the Environment as the responsible subject competent on the issues related to Invasive Alien Species and ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale) as the scientific technical organism in support for the application of the law. Regions and National Parks are also targets of this regulation due to their responsibilities in monitoring invasive species presence, controlling their spread and reconstruct endangered ecosystems.
In order to help for a correct implementation of the national regulation and to the dissemination of information, ISPRA has activated a specific web site,, which will be continuously updated with all technical documents concerning the Invasive Alien Species, including also Vespa velutina.