Sunday, 27th January 2019, the LIFE STOPVESPA Project participated to the “10th Meeting on Beekeeping” in Friuli Venezia Giulia in the Conference Room of Udine-Gorizia Fiere (link). The event, promoted by the Consorzio Apicoltori della Provincia di Udine (Beekeepers Association of the Udine Province), provided a valuable opportunity for regional beekeepers to meet and exchange.
The talk of LIFE STOPVESPA leader, Prof. Marco Porporato, allowed to describe the diffusion of Vespa velutina in Italy, the control activities developed in Liguria and Piedmont, and the results obtained with the use of the harmonic radar.
Even if Vespa velutina is not present in Friuli Venezia Giulia, it is praiseworthy that regional beekeepers pay attention to this matter and are engaged in the early detection of hornets that could origin as a consequence of a passive transport of founder queens, as it happened in 2016 in the neighbouring Veneto region.