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Velutina Task Force

Velutina Task Force

New meeting of the Velutina Task Force of the COLOSS Association. During the workshop of the 30 September 2021, the Life StopVespa team of the University of Turin presented the regulation aspects related to the management of Vespa velutina.
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È possibile un futuro senza api? Save the Bees

È possibile un futuro senza api? Save the Bees

In occasione della Giornata Mondiale delle Api, il DISAFA ha organizzato per giovedì 20 maggio 2021 alle ore 21, l'evento “È possibile un futuro senza api?” in diretta streaming sulla pagina Facebook DISAFA UniTo e sul canale YouTube DISAFA UniTo.
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Dissemination activity in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Dissemination activity in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Sunday, 27th January 2019, the LIFE STOPVESPA Project participated to the “10th Meeting on Beekeeping” in Friuli Venezia Giulia in the Conference Room of Udine-Gorizia Fiere (link). The event, promoted by the Consorzio Apicoltori della Provincia di Udine (Beekeepers Association of the Udine Province), provided a valuable opportunity for regional beekeepers to meet and exchange.
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17th October 2018: Workshop on the use of the harmonic radar for the detection of Asian hornet’s nests

17th October 2018: Workshop on the use of the harmonic radar for the detection of Asian hornet’s nests

Few days after the detection of the nests in Finale Ligure and La Spezia (Liguria, Italy), the LIFE STOPVESPA Project organized a workshop in the locality of Calvo, Ventimiglia (IM). This event allowed to demonstrate to beekeepers and stakeholders, and particularly to those which could not be present during the previous activities, the use of the harmonic radar for tracking the flight of Asian hornets and detect the positions of their nests.
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21th may 2018: European Day of Natura 2000

21th may 2018: European Day of Natura 2000

A European day to celebrate Natura 2000, a net of 27.000 sites and protected areas covering more than one million of square kilometres of terrestrial and marine ecosystems across Europe. The aim of this day is to celebrate the outstanding importance of this net, created to protect nature and biodiversity and to enhance its economic value. This event allows to increase the public awareness and involve citizens and stakeholders, in agreement with one of the four action lines of Natura 2000.
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“ApiAmo”: un’evento per celebrare la giornata mondiale delle Api

“ApiAmo”: un’evento per celebrare la giornata mondiale delle Api

L’evento, organizzato da ALPA Miele, si aprirà alle ore 10:00. Oltre all’esposizione di materiale apistico sono previsti anche la degustazione di mieli e una ricca serie di attività ludiche e didattiche per i più piccoli. Particolare attenzione è stata rivolta al pubblico dei più giovani, ai quali sarà illustrato il mondo delle api anche attraverso l’arnia didattica. Il cuore della giornata sarà dedicato ad una conferenza che si terrà dalle 15:30 alle 17:30.
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Perugia, 11th - 13th of April: the workshop and symposium about Invasive Alien Species, with also a talk on Vespa velutina.

Perugia, 11th - 13th of April: the workshop and symposium about Invasive Alien Species, with also a talk on Vespa velutina.

During a three days meeting, from the 11th to the 13th of April, different experiences about the management of Invasive Alien Species carried out both in Italy and Europe will be compared. An in-depth analysis about national and international reference legislations (D.L. 230/2017; Reg EU 1143/2014) will also be carried out. The LIFE U-SAVEREDS project “Grey squirrel management and conservation of red squirrel in Umbria” will offer this occasion, by organising a final event in Perugia
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