Friday, 1st. February 2019, took place the Conference on the regional strategy for the management of Invasive Alien Species, in the headquarter of Regione Lombardia (Biagi Room) in Milan.
The Conference, organized by the Project “Life Gestire 2020”, offered a useful opportunity to share views related to a problem that needs to be tackled by all neighbouring Regions in a well-coordinated way. The talks have described different thematic focus, from the prevention of new introductions, to the early warning and rapid response system, to control strategies and disseminations activities for the public.
The Staff of LIFE STOPVESPA participated with interest to this conference, which helped to improve the knowledge about the approach adopted by Lombardia region in managing Invasive Alien Species. This occasion allowed to point out useful common elements that should be took into account for Vespa velutina management strategy.