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Perugia, 11th - 13th of April: the workshop and symposium about Invasive Alien Species, with also a talk on Vespa velutina.

Perugia, 11th - 13th of April: the workshop and symposium about Invasive Alien Species, with also a talk on Vespa velutina.

Perugia, 11th - 13th of April: the workshop and symposium about Invasive Alien Species, with also a talk on Vespa velutina.

During a three days meeting, from the 11th to the 13th of April, different experiences about the management of Invasive Alien Species carried out both in Italy and Europe will be compared. An in-depth analysis about national and international reference legislations (D.L. 230/2017; Reg EU 1143/2014) will also be carried out. The LIFE U-SAVEREDS project “Grey squirrel management and conservation of red squirrel in Umbria” will offer this occasion, by organising a final event in Perugia, with the title “Alien squirrels and other IAS (Invasive Alien Species): impacts and comparison of management experiences.

The LIFE STOPVESPA project will take part to this event with a presentation on Vespa velutina, on the Early Warning and Rapid Response System and on the management practices developed in Italy to control the species.

The event will include a Workshop and an International Symposium for academics, public employers, conservation societies, technicians and for all the people interested in the topic of invasive species.

Interested people could take part to this meeting after a previous free registration at this link. On the LIFE U-SAVEREDS website it is also available the programme of the event and other useful information for Travel and Accommodation.



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