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Vespa velutina has landed at Geo&Geo

Vespa velutina has landed at Geo&Geo

The Geo&Geo edition of last Monday (1st October 2018) provided the occasion to bring the Asian hornet to the attention of a large audience. During the TV-programme Prof. Marco Porporato, leader of the European project LIFE STOPVESPA, briefly described the main morphologic characteristics of this species, the colonized areas, the spread modalities and the level of aggressivity.
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Velutina Task Force meeting: at the end of June the meeting of COLOSS Task Force on Vespa velutina was hold in Bilbao.

Velutina Task Force meeting: at the end of June the meeting of COLOSS Task Force on Vespa velutina was hold in Bilbao.

  • 7/3/2018 4:46:00 AM
  • View Count 2050
The annual meeting of the COLOSS Task Force on Vespa velutina was hold in Bilbao, the 28th and 29th June. Researchers from several European countries participate to this event, such as people from Austria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom. Studies performed by researchers from China, where Vespa velutina is endemic, were also presented.
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Vespa velutina and possible misidentifications

Vespa velutina and possible misidentifications

During the last months we received some records about insects misidentified that were confused with Vespa velutina. In Italy, there are 23 species of social wasps and a wide variety of other insects species. Often their colours and fling behaviours could trick an unexperienced observer. One of the most common case of misidentification is linked to Megascolia maculata flavifrons (Fabricius, 1775) (photo).
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A new technology is helping to save honey bees: the harmonic radar to detect Vespa velutina’s nests

A new technology is helping to save honey bees: the harmonic radar to detect Vespa velutina’s nests

One of the aims of the LIFE STOPVESPA Project is the development of a new technology for the control of Vespa velutina populations: the harmonic radar, which allows tracking yellow-legged hornets and detecting their nests. Once discovered, nests are removed before new founder queens could emerge. The aim of the LIFE STOPVESPA Project is to provide an innovative technology that will be particularly useful in new invasion’s outbreaks or beyond the colonized front,
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21th may 2018: European Day of Natura 2000

21th may 2018: European Day of Natura 2000

A European day to celebrate Natura 2000, a net of 27.000 sites and protected areas covering more than one million of square kilometres of terrestrial and marine ecosystems across Europe. The aim of this day is to celebrate the outstanding importance of this net, created to protect nature and biodiversity and to enhance its economic value. This event allows to increase the public awareness and involve citizens and stakeholders, in agreement with one of the four action lines of Natura 2000.
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Vespa orientalis detected in Genoa harbour (Italy)

Vespa orientalis detected in Genoa harbour (Italy)

One specimen of Vespa orientalis was detected on the 13th of May in Genoa (Italy) by a beekeeper, Mr Andrea Valle, member of AlpaMiele (Ligurian Association of Honey Producers) and worker at Genova harbour. Pictures have been immediately sent to researchers and entomologists involved in the LIFE STOPVESPA and Stopvelutina projects. They confirmed the first identification, previously done by AlpaMiele technicians.
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“ApiAmo”: un’evento per celebrare la giornata mondiale delle Api

“ApiAmo”: un’evento per celebrare la giornata mondiale delle Api

L’evento, organizzato da ALPA Miele, si aprirà alle ore 10:00. Oltre all’esposizione di materiale apistico sono previsti anche la degustazione di mieli e una ricca serie di attività ludiche e didattiche per i più piccoli. Particolare attenzione è stata rivolta al pubblico dei più giovani, ai quali sarà illustrato il mondo delle api anche attraverso l’arnia didattica. Il cuore della giornata sarà dedicato ad una conferenza che si terrà dalle 15:30 alle 17:30.
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Vespa velutina: i primi risultati del monitoraggio 2018 in Liguria e Piemonte

Vespa velutina: i primi risultati del monitoraggio 2018 in Liguria e Piemonte

Più di 200 individui di Vespa velutina sono stati ormai catturati in Liguria, in particolare nelle località di Olivetta San Michele, Sanremo, Ventimiglia, Dolcedo e Bordighera, mentre alcuni nidi primari sono stati individuati e rimossi a Calvo (Ventimiglia), Imperia e Sanremo. Nei focolai d’espansione segnalati in passato, in particolare nell’area di 8 Km2 di La Spezia, anche quest’anno il Progetto LIFE STOPVESPA ha attivato una rete di trappolaggio intensivo
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