The Italian website dedicated to Invasive Alien Species (I.A.S.) is available for the public since few months (, providing a description of many invasive species of Union Concern that are able to generate considerable impacts on the environment and the biodiversity, including Vespa velutina.
The website has been created and is managed by ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale), the scientific and technic organism that is supporting the Ministry of Environment in the application of the regulation on Invasive Alien Species. This tool will contribute to spread information to the public, and will help in the application of the EU Regulation 1143/2014 in Italy.
The following documents are available: Reference Regulation, technic documents and guidelines useful to explain the problem related to the introduction of Invasive Alien Species. To integrate this more general information, a specific page has been dedicated to each species, describing their distribution, spread modalities and impacts.
Particularly useful is also the risk assessment of each IAS, with information about impacts that these species could generate to the protected species included in the Red List of IUCN ( International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources).