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Archive by tag: #CoLOSSReturn
Velutina Task Force

Velutina Task Force

New meeting of the Velutina Task Force of the COLOSS Association. During the workshop of the 30 September 2021, the Life StopVespa team of the University of Turin presented the regulation aspects related to the management of Vespa velutina.
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Velutina Task Force meeting: at the end of June the meeting of COLOSS Task Force on Vespa velutina was hold in Bilbao.

Velutina Task Force meeting: at the end of June the meeting of COLOSS Task Force on Vespa velutina was hold in Bilbao.

  • 7/3/2018 4:46:00 AM
  • View Count 2109
The annual meeting of the COLOSS Task Force on Vespa velutina was hold in Bilbao, the 28th and 29th June. Researchers from several European countries participate to this event, such as people from Austria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom. Studies performed by researchers from China, where Vespa velutina is endemic, were also presented.
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